March 13, 2012

Update In My Life

I realized I haven't posted much in regards to my own pursuit lately so I'll go ahead and write a brief update on my latest experiences.

I'm doing well at Georgia Perimeter College, I have A's and B's in all my classes so far. Today, I went to a lecture at GPC by Sarah Brosnan (in the Department of Psychology & Neuroscience Institute at Georgia State University). Really fascinating lecture, she talked about her research with New World Monkeys and Old World Monkeys and their reactions to inequity. After her talk she was taking questions and I asked about her connection with the Neuroscience Institute and she talked about her research in oxytocin and then went on to tell me about summer research programs I can find at Emory and Georgia State. How AWESOME! Honestly, I hadn't even thought about that as a possibility since I'm not at Emory yet. Unfortunately all the deadlines for participating in an 8-10 week research program are past due, but now at least I know to keep my eyes open for them for next year. I'm actually really beside myself about it, I just didn't know that as an undergraduate I could get lab experience!

I'm also pretty stoked about a new scholarship program I came across, it is specifically for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics majors. Aside from giving 5,000 dollars to each student they also give us each our own faculty mentor to help us throughout the rest of our associates and have us go on field trips, industry tours, special lectures from people in the business, and workstudy groups with the other students in the program. How crazy awesome is that? I could really care less about the money, I'm just really excited about the extracurricular opportunities that the scholarship will provide! So I'm having a couple professors write recommendation letters for me. I'll keep you posted on whether I get it or not.

That's about it for now, cheers everyone!


  1. I'm cheering for you; I enjoyed reading your update, and I hope you get your scholarship. With your enthusiasm for the subject, I don't see how you could fail!

  2. Yay Belle! You're so awesome....tickled about the possible grant, love your attitude about $$$.....funny how it appears by first simply assuming it will. Your life is a testament!
    xo mom
